Your energy is yours and yours alone. You get to choose where and when it goes by creating boundaries and environments in which it is shared. Friends, family, animals – stop using them as an excuse. You can do anything. There was a time when you cared for energy vampires, were working and/or going to school, and you did it. Yes, we understand that work and/or school gave you an escape from the vampires. Yes, we know you were masking and surviving then. Yes, your relationship with your energy was different then. Still, the amount of strength, determination, and power you have within you has not changed. It is just allocated differently. It is up to you to harness it. Living this way, with flexibility, creativity, and flow, is different and enjoyable. As with all things, there is a balance. You are tapping into your abilities and knowledge and have a vision of where you could go. At this point, no one is holding you back but you.